Tuesday 26 May 2009

Things you don't expect to see

Some days you head off out somewhere with no particular expectations, just out for a nice day, hopefully in decent weather and getting some fresh air.

And it's usually one of those days when you see something unusual and unexpected. I'm not talking earth-shatteringly interesting or world-changing, just something that makes you smile, because it's out of context, amusing or unusual.

Sunday of the Bank Holiday weekend was one such day. We had to run some errands in Warrington, so decided to head a little further on to the Delamere Forest - we've not been before, wanted some fresh air and it was a lovely, perfect, early summer day.

We don't know the area and weren't sure of the best car park to use for the walking etc., so basically parked at the first one we came to. There were a lot of people, as you'd expect for a nice Sunday, but the car park was generously sized and there was plenty of space. The one thing I hadn't expected was the amount of horses and horse boxes. It's obviously a place where horse owners bring their animals to exercise and trek along the extensive bridleways. There was a hive of horsey activity, horses being saddled, rubbed down, fed and watered. Big horses, little horses, brown horses and white horses. Horses with business men aboard, horses with toddlers, being walked slowly.

But in the middle of this was a horse style box - but it hadn't transported horses - it had contained 3 llamas. Mr Boo couldn't resist going over to see if he could pet them en route to pay for the parking. He found out all sorts of information about llamas - for example, these were being trained for trekking with parties of people - and got to pet one too - he was advised not to pet the adults as they tend to shove and jostle you - and they're bigger than you think - but he got to tickle the youngster (far right) and stroke his furry lips. He didn't shut up all day about it. Because he got to pet a llama and I didn't. I did however pet one of the two three legged dogs we saw.

So I set off for some fresh air on Sunday, but really hadn't expected to see llamas, on leads, being taken for a walk.

Please click the photo for a larger view.

I'd been slowed down by my cameras being locked in the car boot (new car, had to actually figure out how to unlock the boot first) and just managed to snag this shot as they headed into the trees and deep shadow - I'd taken it at an angle to try and get them all in, as I was fully zoomed, tight in between the rumps of two approaching horses.


Bigbluebed said...

Lucky you. I would love to see llamas.

Anonymous said...

what a stroke of luck! aren't they adorable?! they just look so funny and appealing - i'd love to go llama trekking :) am very jealous of mr boo!!


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